Skills are important; teamwork is everything.
See what people are saying . . . .
“You are always so excellent to work with and your results for all the JVs that you’ve worked with have been awesome.”
“She has information in there I never would have thought of. I’m ecstatic - we got a lot more than we expected! I’m extremely impressed.”
“I am very impressed with your ability to grasp the subject matter, organize the information and then present the ideas in such an eloquent manner. Thanks.”
“This is a wonderful [annual] report. Very nicely done. It will be immensely useful here in continuing to explain the LCCs and the great work that you are all doing.”
“The Commission meeting went well, and the [2010 State Wildlife Grant Anniversary] report was well received by the Commission.”
“Thank you so much! You have been such a positive, creative and helpful force with this whole project! Could not have gotten it across the finish line without you.”
“Best newsletter ever!
AWESOME articles.”
“Please keep speaking on your passion. You are a great communicator! When I read your stuff I feel doubled down enthusiasm for what I do. You provide hope and inspiration.”
“Nice work! Roads diverging is a great metaphor for scenario evaluation.”
“I really appreciate your excellent effort as author of ‘The Brave New World of Ecosystem Services.’ I have received very positive feedback on the 2011 Consultant and hope that you have too.”
“You always had insightful questions and made me communicate better. Plus you were instrumental in keeping this ship moving. You deserve a lot of credit for the GCPO’s accomplishments & brand recognition.”
“We would like to invite you to participate on the prescribed fire panel at the annual Stewardship Partners Meeting of The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Southern Company.”
“I agree with Paul [Ries]. These blogs are proving to be very digestible - yet meaningful and illustrative program case studies.”
“The East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture Prescribed Fire Strategy is getting lots of buzz with partners.”
“Gary [Director of NAWLA] and I have both read the article and we are both amazed at how well you can explain technical terms to lay audiences.”